Application Security

Digital armour where it’s needed most.

We provide the tools to continuously monitor and improve your software development processes and detect and prevent application fraud perpetrated by your trusted insiders or identity imposters.

Speak to a Security Expert
Magix Cyber Security Services
Cyber Security Enhanced Control

Regulatory Compliance

Cyber Security User Management

Improve Trust

Cyber Security Improved Intelligence

Operational Security


Why Application Security

Our solutions ensure your application code doesn’t expose known vulnerabilities or enable behaviour where future vulnerabilities can be exploited. We provide non-invasive surveillance of your applications’ users and detect suspicious behaviour. Anomalous events are escalated to investigators and managed with proven case-management tools.

Companies need Application Security for:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Meet industry-specific data protection standards to avoid fines.
  • Financial Safety: Prevent financial losses from breaches, lawsuits, and non-compliance fines.
  • Operational Continuity: Ensure business processes aren't disrupted by security breaches
  • Customer Trust: Assure customers that their interactions with your applications are secure.
  • Proactive Defence: Address vulnerabilities early to save costs and mitigate risks.

What we do

Application Security

Source Code Analysis

Magix provides the tools and expertise to detect application vulnerabilities in an application's source code. Correcting security flaws in an application's source code saves costs and greatly reduces the risks that are incurred when flaws are only detected at runtime. Magix Source Code Analysis solutions continuously educate developers on safe coding practices and, by becoming part of the software development life cycle (SDLC), prevent unsafe code from being released.

Cyber Fraud Detection & Prevention

Magix provides Cyber Fraud Detection and Prevention solutions that can track user application activity in real time and raise alerts on anomalous behavior. Magix solutions provide case management processes for audited handling of suspicious incidents, and we work closely with investigators and forensic experts to assist in evidence gathering and securing prosecution of perpetrators.