Managed Platform

Our complete vulnerability management solution is housed in a single easy to use web application. Providing a solution to complete cyber protection for companies of all sizes

Magix Complete Vulnerability Management

One-stop Solution for Prevention & Detection

A one-stop solution to detect and prevent attacks on your infrastructure, reputation, and bank balance.

Birds eye view of cybersecurity health

Monitor the status of your organization’s cybersecurity health on a continuous basis with our online portal and library of reports.

Robust & detailed cybersecurity reporting

Continuous recommendations for the fastest and most effective remediation required for vulnerabilities, presented in a high-level, easy-to-read overview and detailed in technical and executive reports.

Vulnerability Management

Fusing next-gen tools with our expertly trained cybersecurity engineers, the platform provides a comprehensive vulnerability management solution for external networks, Web applications, and internal infrastructure, where you only pay for what you use.


Say goodbye to once-off licence fees

Pay a monthly, manageable fixed cost and gain access to the world’s best cybersecurity technology

Continuous visibility

Continuous visibility of your cybersecurity vulnerabilities to ensure you are always protected

Catered to your needs

Solutions that are catered to your organisations sizes and needs, only pay for what you need

Access all reports in a single secure portal

The CVM Portal provides safe and secure storage all cybersecurity reports for quick access

Access to cybersecurity experts

In addition to our portal, clients have access to our wide range of experts for specialised commentary and platform support

What's included

All the most important Cybersecurity services combined into a single platform.

Get Protected
